Something for Everyone!
Food & Drink
Trap Shooting
Rifle & Pistol Ranges
Black Powder

Rock Climbing
Co-sponsored by – Northern Rhode Island Council of the Arts
Save These Dates!
– Settlers’ Days 2024 –
September 28 & 29
Settlers' Days Founders

First Settlers' Days History
As the above flyer describes, the first official Settlers' Days took place on August 14 & 15 in 1993. MSRGC member and club officer Russ Duguay started the concept of a public event with the first version called "Field Day" during the previous Fall of 1992. "Field Day" was held out in our main club field, and was comprised of vendors, foods like clam cakes & chowder, and games like a dunking booth and a Mouse in the Hole game. Field Day was a success and the following year, Russ Duguay teamed up with Jack Lawhead to produce the first official Setters' Day, which evolved into our current event "Setters' Days". Jack Lawhead was instrumental in getting supporting grants from Northern Rhode Island Council of the Arts. MSRGC has welcomed the public to enjoy Settlers' Days' food, target shooting, and family-oriented activities since the event began back in the '90's.
It is very important to mention that MSRGC's "Setters' Days" would not be possible without the production efforts of folks like Russ Duguay and many of our dedicated club members.
Settlers’ Days – 2009
Settlers’ Days – 2009
Settlers’ Days – 2021
Settlers’ Days – 2022
Attention Members!
If you have photos and memorabilia of past Settlers’ Days, please come to the monthly meeting to discuss how we can connect to share your memories or reach out through our web site’s contact form.